Abba Father,

I come before Your throne of Grace, in the Name of Jesus

I lift up [                ] to You

I thank You that it is Your will that All come to repentance and the knowledge of the truth

Thank You that You go after All Your lost sheep

I know that there is deception involved in [                ], I bind this blindness in the Name of Jesus

Lord, I pray that You send the perfect labourer across his/her/their path, that by the Holy Spirit, You would open his/her/their heart to develop a hunger for You and for Your Word. Grant him/her/them a divine understanding for Your Word, a desire to spend time in Your Presence, that he/she/they desire to talk with You, that You put divine friendships all around him/her/them, that You would speak to his/her/their heart through films, websites, articles, music, sport and slogans…

I Believe that [                ] will really have a revelation that Christ came to set him/her/them free and that the lies he/she/they believes will be exposed and dismantled by the truth of Your Word…

I really believe that You, God, in your mercy, will grant him/her/them the understanding and the power that he/she/they needs to choose life over death, truth above his/her/their lying feelings…

I declare and decree that [                ] hears God’s still small voice…

I thank You Lord for working that into his/her/their heart and mind right now…

In Jesus’ name, Amen!